NexGen Digital Integrates with AdSense for Audio API
RCS has EMPOWERED NexGen Digital automation with the advertising prowess of Google’s AdSense for Audio program. AdSense for Audio provides stations access to previously undiscoverable advertisers who are new to radio marketing by allowing them to easily place radio spots themselves – saving both time and money. AdSense for Audio also enhances accountability by letting advertisers purchase and track their radio campaigns all the way from creation to play out.
Once a spot is purchased via the AdSense for Audio program, the request is sent to the station’s automation system NexGen Digital. NexGen automatically pulls the spots from AdSense for Audio and then slots the spots into the appropriate day’s log – providing a seamless process. In the next release of NexGen, RCS will be one of the first automation companies to use the Google AdSense for Audio API.
« We are committed to our clients around the world providing the best solutions in the industry. When they say they need the ability to accept AdSense for Audio spots without giving up NexGen, we hear that call and agree we should provide those tools. NexGen revolutionized audio distribution with its WANcasting technology, its stability, its redundancy and scalability; now you don’t have to give up those things to tap into the AdSense for Audio network. It’s a win for our clients, and one more way that RCS leads the industry. » states EVP of Technology and Development at RCS, {bios/evp.aspx|Chip Jellison}.
« We’re excited that NexGen is taking advantage of the recently launched API and will soon be AdSense for Audio compatible, » said Russell Ketchum, Business Product Manager for Google AdSense for Audio. « RCS has a lot of great station customers who can now access a new revenue source without giving up the control and automation tools they’re used to. Thousands of Google’s advertisers can also benefit from the availability of new station partners and increased inventory. »
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